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types of people you will meet while sharing the Gospel

TDK wants to encourage and equip you to share the gospel more effectively. The title is self-explanatory for the most part. Here are the types of people YOU will meet while handing out tracts {fyi stereotypes suck but we do want to let you know of some tips we thought would come in handy ESPECIALLY if its your first}

1: The Lingerer

This one is pretty simple. Every once in awhile, you'll stumble upon a person who may stick around a lot longer than you thought. Most of the time, we forget that the whole point of handing out tracts is to engage in a conversation. I know, I know, it can be pretty intimidating. If you happen to give someone a tract and they linger around for a bit, don't be scared to jump into a conversation with them. In fact, jump at those chances! You never know, maybe they'll turn into the "open-minder."

2: The Open-Minder

*adds er to the end of everything* Ahhh. We all love these type of people. But, as with everyone we must show love and BE A GOOD LISTENER. Someone who is an "Open-minder" just means that they are pretty open minded about things. Simple, right? And hopefully they'll turn into the "Receiver."

3: The Receiver

And the crowd goes wild! This is the moment we {as evangelists} all love! You may have guessed, the "Receiver" wants to receive the gospel. That is something truly beautiful. Luke 15:7 "In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over ONE lost sinner who repents than over ninety-nine who are righteous and haven't gone astray!"

4: The Prosecutor

This is a tough one. You hand out a tract and suddenly you're in a full-on debate about evolution and the proof of God's existence. How did you get here? These type of people can be relentless. They say they don't believe in God yet they know so much information about Christianity and why it isn't true. You may find that you're both just going in circles. That person keeps stating the same thing and you keep trying to explain the same answer. Phew! It's tiring and most of the time frustrating. But, we need to really assess what's going on. One thing you can ask {in a gentle and understanding tone} is, "Do you really want to know the answer?" You see a lot of the time "Prosecutors" are atheists. And a lot of times they may have researched how YOU were going to answer just like we research non-believer's questions. Our job is to show love and be wise and if needed end the conversation. Use discernment and be COMPASSIONATE with them.

5: The Rejector

And lastly we have the "Rejectors." They don't want anything to do with Christianity. They may throw your tract in the trash, walk right by you or say no thanks {and we've def gotten "ill just go to hell whatever"}. Don't be discouraged. Don't let that tear you down. We are going to be persecuted and mocked while here on earth. We know that because its in the bible. So when we get rejected or laughed at we shouldn't be surprised. {Matthew 10:22, 2 Timothy 3:12} But don't mock or ridicule them back! Instead, Matthew 5:44-45 "But, I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven." Jesus said pray for them and love on them. This is not a choice. Its a command. We as Christians, have gotten a bad rep because we forget that when we go out into the world we are called to REPRESENT CHRIST. How are we representing Christ when we go out and mock the foolish and tell them that they're going to burn in hell? And while what you're saying may be true, God calls us to be representations of His love. John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you show love to each other." Show love and pray for the "Rejectors" in your life.

I hope this helped and encouraged you this Tuesday. If you have any questions, or need any prayer for anything don't hesitate to contact us! Have a blessed day!

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