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a lie we tend to believe ★

hey there friends :)))))

Hope your Monday is going as well as mine is. SO....let's just jump right into this topic: A lie we tend to believe when it comes to evangelism...

So, I love my dad. He is my number one fan and has a great influence on my life. He was the first one who introduced evangelism to me and has shared the gospel with many people. I remember, specifically, this one story he told me. He was sharing the gospel with a family member and when he finished telling me the story he said this, "You know, I tend to make evangelism way too difficult in my head." "How so?" I asked. He began to explain, "I try to come up with fancy words and figure out a cool way to bring in the gospel. I get so focused on making it perfect that I actually miss the whole point you know? It's not about me. I forget that sometimes just asking "Hey has anyone ever told you the good news?" is okay too."


How many times have I thought, "I can't go share the gospel yet I have to prepare and know all the answers." How many times have I thought, "I need to present the gospel like its a decorated cake or else they won't want to accept Jesus into their hearts." HOW MANY TIMES DO I THINK THIS NEEDS TO BE PERFECT I JUST I just need it to be perfect...'s the lie that satan tries to use against us:

That its "up to us" to save them.

While we do have that responsibility to tell them the good news (Matthew 28:19-20) we can't save them. Our fancy words, our knowledge our "perfectness" means nothing {and honestly no ones perfect peoples}.

Romans 10:9-10

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

That's how you're saved, when you believe and accept Jesus into your heart. We don't do the saving guys. It's all Jesus.

PHEW! Doesn't that just take a weight off your shoulders? It isn't up to our fancy words and "perfection" cause boy we fail a lot. And if it was up to us, a lot of people wouldn't have a chance.

So I hope that ^ was somewhat encouraging. Sorry for going everywhere my mind is a little crowded. I want to end with this verse though:

Isaiah 55:11 (yeah go lookout it up lazy ;)

Thanks and have a blessed day!

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